Banks, which require an ID for proof of residency, have turned away Lupe’s Mexican passport as insufficient proof that she is a city resident.

2014 has seen the number of immigrants reach an astonishing 42.4 million, which makes 13.3% of the total population.

The card makes it easier for the police to release you,” said Chishti.However, for all the benefits that the city’s ID program will provide, there are limits to what it can do. Demonstrators protest Obama’s deferred deportation for 5 million undocumented immigrants in the US, allowing them to seek work permits and travel to other countries.

Immigrants renewing, replacing or applying for a new driver license or ID card in person must submit the following documents before a REAL ID-compliant driver license or ID card can be issued. Without Real ID, the U.S. has not experienced another 9/11-scale attack, and terrorism remains (thankfully, fortunately) an abstraction to most of us. If other states follow New York’s lead, it could give both Obama and undocumented immigrants a reprieve from the hostility directed towards them.

Will undocumented immigrants be prohibited from traveling domestically if they are not in possession of the new IDs and licenses? Please note that the name assigned to the Social Security Number (SSN) must match the name that will appear on the Florida driver license or ID card. For now, Lupe says the city’s ID will provide her an immediate lifeline: “The ID will list my home address for those who question my status as a resident in this city.”“I’m basically invisible in this city without proper identification,” said Lupe, who refused to provide her surname due to her immigration status. The card will not grant city, state or federal benefits and, most importantly, will not be considered a work authorization permit, says Chishti.While he credits the ID as a symbolic gesture by the mayor that he intends to see through reforms to city immigration policy, he says the challenge ultimately remains to bring this underground workforce into the formal economy.

Please note that the name assigned to the Social Security Number (SSN) must match the name that will appear on the Florida driver license or ID card. The only difference with this card is that it would allow illegal immigrants to have a valid form of ID, as well. On Monday, she says, “The system will acknowledge for the first time that I exist.”The reason: New York City will unveil a new municipal ID program that could bring big changes for the city’s large undocumented population. “If you’re arrested by police, police want to know who you are. “My husband and I work hard every day, we have children and the security that something as simple as an ID card will give us cannot be overstated.”When he ran for office, Mayor Bill De Blasio promised an overhaul to the city’s immigration policies as part of his “Tale of Two Cities” campaign.

The card is targeted at illegal immigrants. All Rights Reserved.Dealers, Installers, Manufacturers, Distributors, and Importers The REAL ID Act. Though all residents will be eligible to apply for the new ID, called IDNYC, undocumented New Yorkers are expected to benefit most. There are an estimated 500,000 undocumented immigrants in New York City, an underserved and, at times, exploited population that lives in the shadows of the city’s gleaming skyscrapers. It is, however, a long shot. The ID card will allow undocumented immigrants to check out library books, pay bills, make reservations, take financial literacy and other classes, and use other civic services. Immigrant rights are a major issue in New York, as illustrated by this activist carrying a sign in Spanish reading ‘We aren’t criminals, we are workers’. Demonstrators protest Obama’s deferred deportation for 5 million undocumented immigrants in the US, allowing them to seek work permits and travel to other countries. In 2005, U.S. Congress enacted the REAL ID Act upon recommendation of the 9/11 Commission to set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver licenses. She and her husband, both undocumented, have lived in Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge neighborhood for more than a decade without the financial security of even a bank account. It is the highest figure of immigrant in the country as compared to any time in the American history. Washington is one of a minority of states that allow undocumented immigrants to get a driver’s license.

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