I wanna be beside her. We have the answer. What does What Ever Happened mean? I want to be forgotten, and I don't want to be reminded. She wanna be admired.

Get "What Ever Happened" on MP3: Get MP3 from Amazon. Whatever Happens Lyrics: He gives a nervous smile, tries to understand her side / To show that he cares / She can't stay in the room / She's consumed with everything that's been going on / She says

Whatever Happens song meanings Add your thoughts 16 Comments. No, I won't yet. Oh dear, is it really all true?

want to be forgotten, and I don't want to be reminded. You say "please don't make this harder." The Strokes Lyrics "What Ever Happened?" The Strokes: What Ever Happened Meaning. What Ever Happened Lyrics. "What Ever Happened?" General CommentHAVE YOU EVER FELT THAT YOU HAVE TO DO SOOOO MUCH TO MAKE THE OTHER PERSON HAPPY, THAT YOU MUST SOLVE ALL THEIR PROBLEMS. Tagged: No tags, suggest one. Whatever Happens Did they offend us and they want it to sound new? You say "please don't make this harder." No, I … What does The Strokes's song What Ever Happened mean? “Whatever Happens” is the 15th track from Michael Jackson’s 10th studio album, The legendary guitarist joined The king of pop on one of the best tracks on the album, It was recorded in San Francisco in February 2001.The song is about a couple who is hitting hard times, they’re close to break up while the guy is trying to assure his girl that everything will be alright as he’s trying too hard to make her girl happy, but he needs to know that he shouldn’t take the world upon his shoulders and just being with her is what makes him happy. You say "please don't make this harder." Lyrics powered by LyricFind. Login | Create Account.

No, I won't yet. sort form View by: Highest Rated; Most Recent; Oldest First +1. lyrics. hOWEVER YOU only realize when it is too …

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