So I tried creating different dataframes for extracting data from the json object.

Kaggle--TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset. I use jsonlite library to extract the data.This creates comma seperated columns for ‘keywords’, ‘genre’, ‘production_countries’, ‘production_companies’, ‘spoken_languages’.In this section, the data is analyzed using diverse set of packages, functions and graphical methods to explore the movies dataset. Use To decide whether to drop them out or set them as null values, I count the number of the zero values in the two columns.It contains 6016 rows in zero values, so I also decide to keep these rows and replace zero values with null values.It’s just has a small number of zero value rows in runtime column, so I decide to drop them.Check out the dataset status after dropping null values so far. Use Check out the result.

Hence, through this article I want to record this project main ideas and the techniques I learned so far as my first analysis project milestone.We can see that these data are pretty neat, except that the From the table above, there are totally 10866 entries and total 21 columns. This dataset was generated from the The Movie Database API. The principal question which arises from the description of the challenge is to predict which films will be highly rated, whether or not they are a commercial success. Genre is a comma seperated field. Juzer Shakir • updated 2 years ago (Version 1) That reason you probably didn’t hear the movie… We are going to write another function to answer the following question. As a data science newbie and self-learner, this definitely encouraged me a lot. We use cookies on Kaggle to deliver our services, analyze web traffic, and improve your experience on the site. Dataset. Investigating A Movie DataSet. After engaging in a lot, I got pass for just one time and Udacity reviewer rated it as very great job, including questions digging and data wrangling. 22. Dataset. ... TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset. 本项目数据来源于kaggle上的TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset数据集,共计4803条电影数据。本项目主要目的是通过对历史电影数据的分析研究,为电影的制作提供数据支持。. TMDb Datasets TMDb(The Movies Database) Top 10K Most Popular & 7K Top RatedMovies dataset.

The primary goal of the project is to go through the general data analysis process — using basic data analysis technique with NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib. This dataset was generated from The Movie Database API. Our goal here finding the answer utilizing this dataset. This function could take the column like genres, cast or director then count the values of these columns to find out more filmed genres or the cast or director more filmed in this time of period.We are going to write a function to find out the most filmed genres, cast or director.The splint_count_data function takes a column with the information which we want to count and find out the most being one in a given column then make it bar plot and pie chart with the percentage.We also look for popularity and vote count column using the top_10 function to see the most popular film and most counted film.Let’s explore the popularity using the top_10 function, and the also investigate the vote_count to find out most voted movies in TMDB website.Let’s try the found out if there is any correlation between this variable.We analysis the TMDB dataset which is collected between 1960 to 2015. The goal of this project is to derive insights about the dataset : TMDB movie dataset taken from Kaggle. We could summaries this analysis result in the following items.#’duplicated()’ function return the duplicate row as True and othter as False#Let's drop these row using 'drop_duplicates()' function#Changing Format Of Release Date Into Datetime Formatdf[['budget','revenue']] = df[['budget','revenue']].replace(0,np.NAN)del_col = ['imdb_id', 'homepage','tagline', 'keywords', 'overview','vote_average', 'budget_adj','revenue_adj']df_related = df[['profit','budget','revenue','runtime', 'vote_count','popularity','release_year']] By using Kaggle, you agree to our use of cookies.

7- The most profitable mounts are June, December, and May. This function will plot the total and highest value of any given column for the last 15 years as default.Using these functions on the budget, revenue, and profit columns let’s find out the answers we are looking for.Yeap, you see correct the highest budget movie is the warrior’s way. This dataset contains various details about movies for our analysis.

According Kaggle introduction page, the data contains information that are provided from The Movie Database (TMDb). Netflix Movies and TV Shows. Link: The movie dataset contains 4803 rows and 20 columns.The first part of data cleaning involves removal of spurious characters (Â) from a the movie title, genre and plot keyword columns. This might be because we have scrapped the data from the net.Next step included removing duplicate data.

Some points that we can make by looking at the plots and charts we plotted are as follows :

You can try it for yourself here.

TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset 数据集包含:tmdb_5000_movies.csv、tmdb_5000_credits.csv是Kaggle平台上的项目TMDB(TheMovieDatabase),共计4803部电影,主要为美国地区一百年间(1916-2017)的电影 …

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