“It’s easy to say that there was callous indifference, but anybody that knows Joe Paterno knows that there is no way shape or form Joe Paterno would’ve put anybody in harm’s way for another win, or for his legacy, or for bad publicity. It was literally impossible for us to stop because of how we were raised. His teams consistently graduated a high percentage of players.

Penn State scrubbed clean its stadium and gameday program of Paterno references. When he lost his father, he lost his best friend, his boss and guiding light. At 21, I would have beaten the crap out of someone, and I worry that my kids will have to learn a level of patience that may be too much to ask. I wrote the biography “Paterno.” This led me to know Joe Paterno’s family – his wife Sue, his two daughters Diana and Mary Kay, his three sons David, Jay and Scott. This is as bad as it ever will be. When you judge peoples’ actions in a historical event it is always human nature to judge those events based on the information that we have now in 2012. His alma mater, Brown University, removed Paterno’s name from its athletic award. After a threatening banner was flown over State College – “TAKE DOWN THE STATUE OR WE WILL” – a statue of Joe Paterno that stood outside Beaver Stadium and had been a landmark for Penn State fans was torn down and hidden.Then the NCAA swooped in, announcing crushing sanctions against Penn State football: the cutting of scholarships; probation; a bowl ban; a $60 million fine and the removal of 112 victories, 111 of them under Joe Paterno. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It was accepted across America. The two married in 1962 and had five children. “I missed that Joe missed it.” He then announced that Nike would take Paterno’s name off its child care center.In State College, the family of Joe Paterno watched it all in disbelief and horror.“The lies they’re telling about Joe,” Sue Paterno told Dan McGinn, the crisis manager the family had hired. His entire life had been tied up with his father. They fight back. They fired all the shots they have, we are still alive, and from here forward we start taking back ground.”Every member of the Paterno family says that fighting back was their only option.“I know what my father would say,” says Mary Kay Hort, one of Joe Paterno’s two daughters. That day in July, he wrote a short note to his mother, Sue, that reflects the depths of his despair:Meanwhile Scott Paterno, Joe’s youngest son, was defiant. McQueary, by both of their accounts, was vague in his description of the event; it is still unclear what McQueary actually saw (the night before, he had reported the incident to his father and a local doctor and they decided it wasn’t clear enough to call the police). Long before Jerry Sandusky was indicted and convicted, long before the Freeh Report, she resented how people would treat her father like a demigod or a saint.

Heather Paterno was born and raised in Central Pennsylvania where she resides with her husband, children and dogs. It was accepted nonetheless; it is far easier to sleep at night when it could ‘only happen there in a sick culture.’”Wick Sollers: “It is stunning that Freeh did not consult with or incorporate the perspective of anyone, not even one person, who studies and works with child sexual abuse in any meaningful way. And it is precisely the difficulty of separating Paterno from the rest of the story that made it all but impossible for his family to be heard when they spoke out in his defense.“I’ve never encountered an intensity like there was in this case, and I’ve been involved in some pretty controversial cases, including at the White House,” says Wick Sollers, the family’s attorney. Those things don’t really matter in life. This wasn’t a football story.

On the November 2011 day of the Joe Paterno was mentioned only in passing in that grand jury presentment. Freeh and others said he had to know and understand. Penn State has agreed to provide millions in payments and benefits to Joe Paterno's estate and family members under the late football coach's employment contract, although a family lawyer says … Paterno Television release poster GenreDrama Screenplay by Debora Cahn John C. Richards Directed byBarry Levinson Starring Al Pacino Riley Those words of regret have been misquoted and twisted into a tortured admission of guilt.He never hid from the fact that a graduate assistant named Mike McQueary came to his home one morning in 2001 and told him of seeing former coach Sandusky in the football facility showers with a young boy. The hard-hitting “60 Minutes” once did a segment on Paterno so glowing, that even he was embarrassed. These spats sometimes deteriorate and end up with people saying the worst thing that comes to their minds about Joe Paterno. But, he adds, it has led to many more touching encounters with people who remember Joe Paterno lovingly and with deep admiration.“I know there’s nothing here like total victory,” Jay says.

To say what they powerfully believe — that Joe Paterno’s half century of accomplishment and teaching was maliciously darkened by an inaccurate and grandstanding report and a compliant media eager for a scandalous Shakespearean tale to tell – is to bring down the wrath of every person sickened by Sandusky’s crimes.That day the Freeh Report was released, Jay Paterno says, was in some ways an even harder one than the day six months before when Joe Paterno died. Spanier is now suing Freeh for libel and defamation.The Freeh Report led directly to the ruination of Joe Paterno’s reputation, built over 61 years as a football coach at Penn State. So I called him.”It is very difficult to separate Paterno from the rest of this story.

There was no viable way to ask how Jerry Sandusky could have fooled an entire community – and that’s what happened here. Paterno met Suzanne Pohland while she was a student at Penn State.

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