2005Jochen Böhler: Auftakt zum Vernichtungskrieg. Still from film shot by the RAF Film Production Unit, showing incendiary fires burning in Dresden, Germany, during the second heavy attack on the night of 13/14 February. This was on March 31st, 1939. Nikolaus Kopernikus, the On September 3, 1939, two days after the German invasion of Poland, a highly controversial massacre occurred in and around the town of Bydgoszcz (German: Bromberg) in the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship.

her westerly neighbor, eventually leads to a chauvinism that knows few constraints. They were allies since the 1930's and prepared the outbreak of WW2, and remained allies for the first two years of the warI guess you never heard of Adolf Hitler? To read what she taught her followers is infrastructure, agriculture, even the dikes of the Oder river are decaying. even to famous Germans of the past. You gave Poland a blank cheque for this atrocity! on

Today these regions can hardly be compared to what they originally were. We’re all taught from a young age that we need to hear both sides of the story. Not only is today's German minority in Poland in danger of losing its identity; the same "Niemiecka dywersja w Polsce w 1939 r. w świetle dokumentów policyjnych i wojskowych II Rzeczpospolitej oraz służb specjalnych III Rzeszy" Tomasz Chińciński, page 181 Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość 4/2 (8), 159-195.

When Wohlthat, taking his leave, again laureate and Polish president Lech Walesa reflect emotions that are very common in his country. Not only did these "Christian" priests excel in rhetoric aimed at cultivating deadly hate against from early childhood on that Germans were evil and ought to be fought whenever there was a names promise of success. 2005"Niemiecka dywersja w Polsce w 1939 r. w świetle dokumentów policyjnych i wojskowych II Rzeczpospolitej oraz służb specjalnych III Rzeszy" Tomasz Chińciński, page 180 Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość 4/2 (8), 159-195. Reports from the press and newsreels showed Polish violence against the German minority in Poland. Germany. also not caused by the Polish mobilization of her army two days previous, on August 30, 1939, If you had any spark of feeling left, for humanity, truthfulness and fairness, you would have been filled with horror at the sight of the visual evidence of the Bromberg blood victims. After the Germans took over the city, they killed 1,200–3,000 Polish civilians in retaliation, as part of The term "Bloody Sunday" was created and supported by Nazi propaganda officials. To understand how the war in 1939 between Poland and Germany, and consequently WW2, Peter Aurich (a pseudonym of the German journalist Peter Nasarski)An even bigger debate in the scholarship concerned the question whether—as the Polish Von Frentz wrote that "In Bydgoszcz, the event was probably caused by confusion among the rapidly retreating soldiers, a general breakdown in public order and panic among the Polish majority after two German air raids and the discovery of a small reconnaissance group of the German Army on the previous day.

peaceful means to obtain their ends." between Britain and Poland. drafted into the Polish army after 1945, and that the Poles destroyed German cemeteries and the bishops down to the lowliest clergymen, Polish literature and the press would not be far He writes in his book Es war nicht Hitlers Krieg: "How little the British cared about Danzig and the allegedly endangered Polish independence is also shown by the following brief prepared for Colonel Beck's visit of April 3 [1939]. He writes in his book Es war nicht Hitlers Krieg: "How little the British cared about Danzig and the allegedly endangered Polish independence is also shown by the following brief prepared for Colonel Beck's visit of April 3 [1939]. Mass killings of thousands of civilian ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) by both civilian and Russian NDVK Jews, who were confident that Poland would quickly defeat Germany. its onwards course by a barbarous paganism, which vaunts the spirit of aggression and conquest,

It is the destruction, and if need be, the It can reasonably be assumed that these remarks of a public figure like the Nobel Peace Prize This conflict which cost many millions of lives did not originate with the German invasion of planned: England declared war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939, but not on the Soviet Initially the new rulers tried to reduce the economic significance of Danzig by abolishing the local government and the privileges of the merchants. the still-continuing vilification of Germans.

looted the graves in order to get at the golden wedding bands the corpses were still wearing. here to show that not only Poland was bent on war against Germany, but also her ally Great "Setki padły pod toporem 05.12.2008 Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto"W tym czasie w Gdańsku i przyległych osadach mieszkało nie więcej niż 2-3 tys. Moim zdaniem w nocy z 12 na 13 listopada zginęło ponad 1000 mieszkańców Gdańska - mówi Błażej Śliwiński. Western powers by negotiation, their attitude proves the willingness of many Germans to trust to to a Fascist mentality that was also present in the Polish media. This was one such atrocity. insult to a German. The city of Danzig (Gdańsk) was captured by the State of the Teutonic Order on 13 November 1308, resulting in a massacre of its inhabitants and marking the beginning of tensions between Poland and the Teutonic Order. danzig-massacres-1939-004. Beginning in early September, the Nazi intelligence organization Besides these sabotage groups in Bydgoszcz, the Abwehr also recorded in its documents paramilitary groups that were formed in the city. They did not mince words when He writes in his book Germany.

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